Friday 30 August 2013

Open Question: What to do when distance is putting a strain on the relationship?

I have an amazing bf and we started doing long distance last year after dating for 2 years in the same city. I don’t want us to break up, in fact, I’m trying to avoid it.

We’re both busy, him with work and me with grad school. His job is so demanding that any calls we make (skype or phone) don’t usually last more than 10 minutes a day. We only get to be with each other a couple days every 2 months or so. It is so hard seeing my friends have a great time with their significant others. I want to spend time with bf, go on actual dates, and do romantic things together!

What are some things we can try to keep the romance alive?

Open Question: What to do when distance is putting a strain on the relationship?

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