Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Open Question: Is my friend in an abusive relationship (girl abusing boy)?

before I say anything, I need to point out that they’re teenagers, so their relationship is bound to be more dramatic than an adult’s.

It’s not exactly a healthy one but I don’t know if it’s abusive or not. Half the time they’re really happy and just can’t get enough of each other, but the other half of the time she acts really jealous towards him. For instance she got jealous of his and my friendship, despite the fact that we’re not into each other, I’m friends with her too so wouldn’t betray her, and she’s way prettier than me so even if I wanted to steal him, I’d be unable to. She also got jealous of him and another girl (who’s her best friend). When this happens this creates a load of drama, and I’m semi-certain that she asked him to stop hanging out with me at one point, and I heard that controlling who your partner hangs out with is classed as emotional abuse.

Also, they see each other everyday at school, and outside. Sometimes he won’t be able to see her because he’ll want to meet with friends. He’s invited her to join him but she says no, and then basically gets in a mood with him for having a life outside of her.

When she does something that he doesn’t like (e.g. creating drama) and he tries to talk to her about it, she twists it around to make it seem like it’s his fault and then threatens to dump him. She also always embarrasses him in front of her friends (they’re his friends too but mainly her’s) and talks about him as though he isn’t there. For instance she’ll tell everyone intimate details about his private area. The thing is, she sort of treats it like a joke, and so does he. She’ll do it, then laugh, then he’ll laugh and they’ll kiss or something, but I can kinda tell that he’s not 100% comfortable with it.

She also always kicks him in the testicles, like, everyday. It’s gotten to the point where they’ll just hurt at random times during the day. Also he has scratch marks all over his arms, and sometimes she pushes him. I’m unsure as to whether it’s abusive though for a number of reasons.

For a start the scratching is quite playful, he doesn’t do it back but he’s not deeply concerned by it. As for the kicking him in the testicles. That is weird. She seems to get a buzz out of doing this to him, and at times has laughed when he’s literally been paralysed with pain on the floor. He getd angry at her when she does this, but rarely ever tells her, so is it abusive if she thinks it’s a joke? I’m torn.

Also, he’s a very rough person, he often attacks (physically and verbally) friends and sees it as a joke, so maybe that’s just how they both communicate.

Plus he doesn’t act as though he sees it as abuse. He isn’t scared of her (though he is a little bit scared of doing something she doesn’t like and then being dumped) and he openly complains about it and shows his scratch marks. A lot of the time, victims of abuse cover up their bruises,mand conceil the fact they’re being abused, but he openly conplains about the way she treats him, and isn’t ashamed or anything like that. Additionally, she’s never seriously hurt him.

I really don’t know what to call it. Does it sound as though he’s being abused, am I beinf melodramatic, or is it something inbetween?

Open Question: Is my friend in an abusive relationship (girl abusing boy)?

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