Sunday 29 September 2013

Open Question: I'm always friend-zoned by guys?

Every time I am interested in a guy I try talking and flirting with them. Though I think I should just give up because I always become known as «the friend» and nothing ever more.
Ironically, sometimes they ask me for advice about other girls. All the guys I talk to on a regular basis define me as a good friend.
Everyone else tells me that I’m really pretty and are surprised that I don’t have a boyfriend (never had one) and I let them think that I’m okay with it. But truthfully, I hate it so much. I’m tired of being lonely and watching the same cycle repeat. I like a guy, befriend them, he likes another girl, they date, I become heart broken.
I don’t know what it is that I do, but its starting to really upset me. I’m tired of never being happy and being the only single girl in the school. I don’t want my crushes to friend-zone me anymore.
How can I fix this?

Open Question: I'm always friend-zoned by guys?

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