My boyfriend drinks a loooot. And has been drinking since middle school and it got so bad that his parents basically disowned him two or so years ago.
We’ve only been dating almost five months. I started dating him knowing he was a drinker (although he had quit drinking for a year before hand and was just starting to drink again when we got together) and I knew I couldn’t ~change him~ or ~heal him~ or any of that non sense.
However within the few months we have been together, he got alcohol poisoning and promised he would stop drinking. He stopped for maybe a week and a half
A month or so before he got a DUI and had also promised to stop drinking. That time it lasted two days.
Last month he decided to put off going to college for a semester to work on staying sober because he knew if he went away to school drinking as much as he was, he wouldn’t do well in school. He stayed sober for about two weeks and started drinking again.
He’s not drinking AS BAD as he was before, but it’s still pretty heavy. He tells me he’s working on it (I don’t pressure him, I just offer support) but I don’t know if I believe him, because I haven’t seen any changes since he started drinking again.
He came over to my house last night sort of tipsy and I realized that this has been taking a huuuuuge tole on me emotionally and I don’t know what to do anymore because I love him to death and I really, really, really, really care about him but I don’t think I can handle his almost constant intoxication anymore, or his «I’m gonna stop drinking» spiels anymore because I always feel really dissapointed when he doesn’t follow through
So what should I do? Any suggestions? I don’t want to break up with him, but I just don’t know ( I’m scared to try and get him to get help because he’ll get mad at me when he’s upset he drinks more and just fbuewgbbghbrj
Open Question: What to do with my boyfriend's drinking?
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