Saturday, 31 August 2013

Open Question: Creeped a guy out, he hasn't texted me?

Just met this guy from Puerto Rioc, he is new here and I started talking to him yesterday , we got into deep conversation about life and religion etc. At school. So I had to leave to get my bus he asked for my number, so I ghave it to him ,then, out of habit I went to hug him because I usually huggguy friends and everyone, but he looked confused and an awkward half hug ensued, I said bye and went to my bus. He hasn’t texted me yet, its been a day. Is it normal to hug someone after just meeting them?? We are both hispanic and I thought it would be friendly. Would him being weired out by that cause him to not text me ?

Open Question: Creeped a guy out, he hasn't texted me?

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