Thursday, 29 August 2013

Open Question: He likes me, he likes me not...Should I bother with him anymore?

If anyone wants to know this story in more detail, feel free to look at these links to older questions to do with my situation with this guy…lol;_ylt=AorFsNdRdC8b0v3n8uIBvScgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130527172508AAbRFgu;_ylt=Ard_S7r2DgMPdWpz0pSKrbYgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130816061638AAbtKX4

If not read on…

So there is a high level of attraction between us. I like him a lot. And I shouldn’t really doubt that he likes me. We’ve known each other for 2 years at university and liked each other right away and he sorta chased me for a while.
But we’ve only starting ‘seeing each other’ (if that’s what this is) over the last month, with a lot of flirting prior to that. We haven’t met up in person a lot over the last month though as we’ve both been pretty busy in our lives as we have both just graduated university. Which is cool, I can understand that and I don’t want to rush into something too intimate too quickly. I also just got out of a really long term relationship with someone else.

My problem is this at the moment:
He hasn’t really made it clear about what he wants from me. We have never had sex. And we’ve been on a couple dates.
He seems more than happy to Facebook message me at night with flirty lines, sexy pictures and talk about ‘getting with me’ when we see each other again.
But he hasn’t officially asked me out for a while now…so when will I see him again??
He also talks to me less during the day time (he used to text me ALL THE TIME) and now only really talks on Facebook for a little while occasionally during the day.

At first, I would always make him initiate the conversations. Especially when he was doing more of the chasing. But recently, I have started to try to initiate some of the conversations…and he’s not very responsive. Just kinda vague or takes ages to reply…

And it always happens, that I get annoyed that the relationship seems to just be heading towards sex, without the sex… or he hasn’t messaged me in a few days, so I consider giving him up.

But then he’ll message me something cute or just randomly talk to me again in a nice normal way…so I decide to give him a chance.
He knows I’m not the kind of girl to go all the way without being courted/dated quite a bit first.
So what gives?? I really don’t want to be taken for a ride and get my feelings hurt.

For example, last night, he messaged me on Facebook and we had a nice little chat for a bit.
Then he got a bit flirty and I reciprocated and we ended up having fun with a bit of sexy messaging.
Then of course, when it’s late and he’s done…he says good night.

I woke up this morning thinking…I don’t want to get stuck in a rut where I’m just an online thrill for him when he’s bored. Is he interested in ‘ME’? We have a lot in common and really enjoy each others company. But lately, he seems to just be all about the sexy messaging…

I saw he was online and thought maybe I should ask him if he wanted to see me when I get back from my trip next week (I am currently out of town on holiday).
So I just messaged ‘Hey’…he didn’t see the message for 15 mins and had gone offline and I assumed he was busy so I went offline. Then I came back on and saw he had now seen the message and so I let him know I was back online by saying ‘How’s it going?’ and he saw the message right away…But didn’t respond.
It has been a couple hours now and his activity feed shows he’s just listening to a lot of music on spotify. This is something he does a lot…and I notice he often doesn’t talk if he’s listening to music.
He’s very musical (something we share).
My guess is that he is either just doing things in his room and has left his laptop open to listen to the music and his Facebook is on to get the live feed so hasn’t actually seen the my message (it just stays popped up on his computer)
OR he’s just genuinely into the music and doesn’t notice/want to be interrupted.
OR he’s actually a jerk…and won’t give me the time of day.
Just wants to talk to me on his own terms when he feels like it.

Urgh, it’s so frustrating…What should I do?? I don’t wanna scare him off by making him feel like he should commit. I’m not the type to rush into things with high expectations myself!
But I don’t want to feel used…I want respect…
It would just be nice to see each other and get to know each other better. That’s all I want really. And then if it feels right, we know we can take it further.
If he wants me so badly the way he says he does…shouldn’t he do something about it?
I just don’t wanna waste anyone’s time. Is he a lost cause?
Thanks :) x

Open Question: He likes me, he likes me not...Should I bother with him anymore?

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