There’s this boy i’ve known for almost 5 months now. I REALLY LIKE HIM. We spend time together all the time, he holds my hand, puts his arm around me, picks me up when he hugs me, tells me i’m pretty, talks to me on the phone until 3am…
three days ago we spend the day together after school. He came to my house and we were like cuddling on the couch and it was really cute. He left at around 8pm and asked me to walk him to the corner. It was dark out and perfect weather. He leaned me against a car hood and like put his hands on my waist… i seriously thought he was going to kiss me. it took us like 10 minutes to get to the corner because he kept pulling me in for sweet hugs. when we finally had to say goodbye i looked in to his eyes and let my gaze linger for a second to see if he would kiss me but he didnt!!
yesterday we chilled again after school, we went to central park and lied down in the grass and i was like sitting in front of him and he had his arms around my waist kind of hugging me from behind and his head was on my shoulder our faces were like RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!! and he was calling me cute and beautiful and he was like holding me really close he even gave me a neck massage (it was amazing) and then when it was time for him to leave he turned me around to face him and he put his hand on my shoulder and like lightly stroked my hair and was staring into my eyes and doing that adorable coy smile that he does and he told me he didnt want to leave me…
why didn’t he kiss me!? i know for a fact that he has experience with girls. is he just too nervous to go there?! i always want to lean in and kiss him but i’m worried that he doesn’t feel the same way. it seems that he likes me..right?? so why wont he kiss me? (i have great oral hygiene hahaha i’m not gross
is he just being a flirt!?!
we are both 15 sophomores in high school
Open Question: WHY wont he kiss me .. boys and girls please help me??
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