Sunday, 29 September 2013

Open Question: She liked me i didnt - i likeher now - she hid herfeelings?

So,this girl who had a crush
on me(like crazy!!) for the
past 3 years! We never
talked:(she’s very shy with
me but forces herself to talk
to me) we both have friends in common and they been
telling me «good»this she
says about me everyday at me she never
showed interest but she was
kind and acted stressed around me(like very
stressed) and i knew she
was into me(!!) -she invited
me on facebook — and
followed me on twitter # she
wished me an happybirthday and i did the
same @ lunch she’d see me
talking to female friends (i
knew she was hurt) and
twice i got mad (like in a
fight )with people — she was there! And for 3 years she
was a stranger to me [sad
face] this year i decided to
get to know her and i found
out that she s dating a guy
who treat her like trash and that broke my heart (i felt
guilty to have ignored her..)
and i’d admire things she
does,smile,talk… And
realized that she s the type of
girl i wanna be with,i fell for her,i started greeting
her,she’d reply but NEVER
say hi to me….and one day
she red into my eyes «listen,i
love you»[i never said a
word,my eyes spoke]! That when she started to play her
tricky game But still she was
nice to me. For the first time ever i
started a conversation with
her on fb she replied at
and exchanged about 4 msg
then she decided to ignore
the convo and blocked me on fb..but things seemed
great talking to her in
person!! 2 months later i sent her an
email and she replied within
10min and during the
conversation she
complimented me twice!!
And after 8 mails she decided to drop the convo
and deleted it? i know she likes me as much
as i do,i wanna be with
her..but why is she making
things harder? We both feel
that connection! When we
hug,it like we must kiss afterward but we just
dont..your view please??

Open Question: She liked me i didnt - i likeher now - she hid herfeelings?

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